Saturday, February 8, 2014

When the little head does the thinking.

I was recently people watching in SL, and saw an avatar I just have to comment on.  In SL, you can make your avatar all kinds of shapes.  Sometimes you see avatars that are obviously misshapen for effect.  But sometimes you see them that are just far enough off of what looks right, that you have to wonder.  And this fellow was that.  He had the typical massive giant male avatar, but then he had a teeny tiny little head.  And when I looked at his profile, I was surprised to see he was no noob.  He had been in world longer than I have been.  I was too timid to IM him and ask if it was a subtle joke.  Anyway here's a picture, face pixelated, next to DaVinci's Vitruvian man,  Which is considered an ideal male shape.  SL is 3D, so there may be a bit of foreshortening in the image, but I assure you, it is minimal.  The proportions in world are as shown.  And yes, he is standing on one leg.  His AO moved him just as I took the image.
When I see a massive misshapen avi like this in an adult sim, and they are not wearing clothes, I've noticed that the size of the lower head, is often as much over-sized, as the upper head is undersized.  I guess it might be a case of the image reflecting which body part is most involved in the thinking.

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