Sunday, January 5, 2014

Playing Catchup for a while.

I've been having a bit of a time with injuries of late.  Broke a bone in one hand, then injured the other one.  Fell down and hurt my back.  Add in the holidays and I've just had no energy left to spare for Blog entries.

Or even much SL.  Most of the places I frequent don't even have voice chat enabled.  When typing hurts, that makes SL kind of unattractive.  Tried the new built in voice filters, they do work well.  Even in Linux.  Though I think 750L a month is a bit steep.

Anyway, hopefully I'll have the time and energy for more posts soon.  For now, here's just a recent outfit.  The hair and boots are from previous posts.  But the dress is a new mesh one from Grumble.  Also, they have put in a huge subway under the shop, and have a scavenger hunt going on till the end of the month.

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