Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Some interesting insights on gender and sexual attraction.

I recently stumbled onto a couple of rather interesting videos on Youtube.  One, is a question and answer sort of thing featuring Bailey Jay.  If you are not familiar with her, she's a trans woman, model, cosplayer and porn star.  I have to admit, I've admired quite a few photos of her I've seen on the web.  But I found this rather candid interview fascinating.  It also showed her as a smart, articulate, thoughtful and frankly adorable person.  If you are a fan of her adult fare, and don't want to see her as a person, then don't watch this.  But if you are want a glimpse under the glam, I strongly recommend taking a look at this video.  It also proves rather thought provoking about issues among the trans community, gender ID and I think gives you a glimpse at how society's narrow definitions can result in some deep seated pain for those that are polyhedron shaped pegs in this world of squares and circle shaped holes.

The other video does a lot to answer a question that seems to crop up in a lot.  Is lusting after a "Shemale" gay?  I've never worried about that too much.  I likes what I like.  But it was interesting to see how women and men, under scientific study, have very different triggers as to what they find arousing.

Anyway, the answer the scientists came up with to /D/'s frequent question is...  If you really need to know, watch the video.

This video also explains why women like Edward from Twilight.  I always thought he was OK, certainly a stand up guy.  But if I had to pick a side in the eternal Edward vs Jacob argument, I think I'd go Jacob. Mostly for aesthetic reasons.  For one thing, I like lips.  I think lips are attractive, and he has much better lips.

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