Some of you might remember a TV show called
Northern Exposure. As I was sipping coffee out of my KBHR mug this morning, I was saddened by the fact that no one seems to re-run the episodes of this show. It is, and was, one of my favorite TV shows of all time. It ran for five years and had over 100 episodes, a ripe candidate for re-runs. So...Why can't I find it in among the banal sitcoms, crass reality shows and endless re-runs of Law and Order?
Then it hit me. It was about nice people. Nice is not fashionable. While all the residents of the fictional Cicely Alaska who were the regular characters on the show had their foibles and eccentricities, they were, essentially nice, well mannered, civil, well spoken and intelligent.
Wow, in this day and age, only 20 years later, to think you can have a funny entertaining show that doesn't revolve around a group of churlish selfish socially stunted self centered assholes...What a concept. Who knows, maybe someday, it will be OK to have such a pleasant show on TV again and a new generation of people can see an example of what the world might be like if we just tried to be nice.