Monday, May 26, 2014

Bunneh Time

Time to time during my visits to Second Life I feel furry.  The avatar I wear on those occasions is a slender male gray bunny rabbit.  One who seems fond of archaic formal wear.  Here are a few images from my recent travels about in furry form.

Bunneh in a bowler at Caledon Oxbridge.
Bunneh in a Tux at Lisa's Piano Bar.

Random other furries at GYC's 8th Anniversary Party.
And what appears to be a Griffin pole dancing?

Monday, May 19, 2014

Pink is Pretty

I was going through some hunt dollarbies I'd picked up a while back.  They were "back logged in my try it on and see if you like it queue."  This outfit is one that I liked, and even had a couple of friends comment on.  It's from a recent going into summer hunt.  I liked the dress so much I popped back into the womens shop at Grumble and picked up another pair of those sequined ankle boots.  This time in pink.  I think it makes for a fab outfit.  I'm posing here at the new Evensong Wedding location.

It's called a tank ruffled dress and I've seen it done up different ways in a couple of the Grumble hunts now.  At 1L for the dress and 59L for the shoes, that's a very nice outfit for 60L!

The jewelry is also Grumble in part, the bangles, and ear rings you can't see for the mop of hair I'm wearing. 

Explore Space in Second Life

In my SL travels I've come across lots of great stuff, most recently, a series of sims that have displays on science and space exploration, apparently in some cases sponsored by JPL itself...

Well, whomever sponsors and creates this stuff it's great.  I explored the area for well over an hour wearing a nice mesh pea jacket from Grumble along with brown jeans and pair of Grumble Aspen boots.  I plan on going back and looking around further when I have more time.  Here are a few snapshots to hopefully inspire you to swing by this great build and have a look around.

At left I'm standing next to full scale models of the Saturn and the Redstone.  When you are doing this in SL you get a real feeling of the massive difference in size.

Below is a partial, yes partial, view of the collection of other launch vehicles they have around a solar system simulator.

And here are just some random shots from a couple of the many many displays.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Northern Exposure, gone, but not forgotten.

Some of you might remember a TV show called Northern Exposure.  As I was sipping coffee out of my KBHR mug this morning, I was saddened by the fact that no one seems to re-run the episodes of this show.  It is, and was, one of my favorite TV shows of all time.  It ran for five years and had over 100 episodes, a ripe candidate for re-runs.  So...Why can't I find it in among the banal sitcoms, crass reality shows and endless re-runs of Law and Order?

Then it hit me.  It was about nice people.  Nice is not fashionable.  While all the residents of the fictional Cicely Alaska who were the regular characters on the show had their foibles and eccentricities, they were, essentially nice, well mannered, civil, well spoken and intelligent.

Wow, in this day and age, only 20 years later, to think you can have a funny entertaining show that doesn't revolve around a group of churlish selfish socially stunted self centered assholes...What a concept.  Who knows, maybe someday, it will be OK to have such a pleasant show on TV again and a new generation of people can see an example of what the world might be like if we just tried to be nice.

Sacred art, yet again.

My atheist and agnostic friends sometimes find it perplexing that I find churches fascinating, but I do.  They are wonderful buildings full of art.  And in SL I love finding examples of mankind's sacred works.  Most recently I found Saint Paul's Cathedral.  And excellent example of a more ancient style church, the mosaic images are stunningly gorgeous.  I just had to show you some images.

The outfit I am wearing is from SF Design.  It was a freebie in the Make Him Over hunt a year or two ago.  Still a fetching little outfit for the boys, don't you think?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Back to the party.

I've had some PC issues of late.  It's kept me out of SL a lot for several weeks now.  But things are starting to get better.  So I went to last weeks Friday night event at Stiletto.  It was a multi-themed event sort of...Sixties or "Far Out."  I didn't have time to shop, though honestly if I had I might have skipped it to wear my cat suit from SF Designs.  I do love that thing.  I added a mesh belt from another outfit, but otherwise, wore it pretty much as I did in the hair fair snapshot here.

That said, there were some great outfits, but mine was judged most "Far Out" I guess.  Anyway, here's a trio of snapshots from the event.  I was playing with the winlight settings trying for a black light sort of look.  Never quite got there, but the variations are included just so you can see what changing your winlight can achieve.