So lately I've been using Linden Lab's website to find some new places to explore. They listed a new location called Rose Theatre. You can read about it here I went there and spent over an hour wandering about, and I still haven't managed to see the whole thing. Buildings in Second Life tend to be a bit over sized, just like the people, but this place is simply staggering in its scale. My avatar is exactly six feet tall, plus about 3 inches of heels. So since I'm in the snapshots below, you've got some idea of the scale of this place. It is richly and exquisitely decorated and appears to be a furnishings shop on a grand scale, as well as an event venue. If you are looking for someplace less traveled (I was completely alone the whole time I was there.) and stunningly gorgeous to take your hunny bunny for a slow romantic dance to appropriate music, you can't go wrong with this place.
A travelogue of Second Life, with occasional rants, articles for one's amusement and shopping tips.
Monday, February 27, 2012
I'm in the mood for slacks!
For some reason lately I just haven't been in a dress or skirt mood. Which has given me a chance to wear some of the vast array of slacks I've picked up over the years. So here are the last two outfits I wore around SL. The dark one at the Tiki bar in Pair A Dice is from [aDN]. The hair is a freebie I picked up someplace. The other outfit with the high waisted capris is a mixture of things from B&G (Shoes), [aDN] (capris), SFD (shirt), Silent Sparrow (Jacket) and Grumble (Hair and jewelry). I love this outfit because I've never really found anything that I though worked well with the bolero jacket from SS. I think this does. The background is the Lundy Art Gallery again. I love that place.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Variety is the Spice of Second Life
Well, the last three times I logged in I was in really different moods. Most recently I had been browsing my inventory and came across a pink leather jacket. Deciding it would go well with the pink bangs of my hair I fitted it and put together an ensemble. The jacket is from B@R, the shoes and hair are Grumble, I don't remember where I picked up the pink knit dress & stockings. Then I went to the pinkest sim I could think of Velvet Crossing. It's an adult sim specializing in force feminization. But as long as you follow a few simple rules on dress and curtesy, I've found it to be a pretty friendly place.
The day before that I wore little black dress with white spaghetti straps. I wore a new hair from Grumble along with it, and uploaded a face paint inspired by Adam Ant. The flexi prim tie is from one of Mimi's outfits and I'm wearing some boots from Grumble.
I've been hitting the daily freebies at [aDN] a lot lately. Recently I picked up an outfit called Industrial. Long ago, I'd picked up a really nice gray military style jacket and hat from SF Designs, it was on sale as some sort of fund raiser I think. It occurred to me that they would work well together. And they did. I added a few accessories and wore it with a tattoo layer hair from Truth. I spent like an hour going around trying to find a good military style background, but before I logged out for the day, I came across a shop that had these really beautiful glowing trees in their lobby. So that's what you have. I think this image has a sort of ironically surreal feel, what with the juxtaposition of the military outfit and lovely neon foliage.
The day before that I wore little black dress with white spaghetti straps. I wore a new hair from Grumble along with it, and uploaded a face paint inspired by Adam Ant. The flexi prim tie is from one of Mimi's outfits and I'm wearing some boots from Grumble.
I've been hitting the daily freebies at [aDN] a lot lately. Recently I picked up an outfit called Industrial. Long ago, I'd picked up a really nice gray military style jacket and hat from SF Designs, it was on sale as some sort of fund raiser I think. It occurred to me that they would work well together. And they did. I added a few accessories and wore it with a tattoo layer hair from Truth. I spent like an hour going around trying to find a good military style background, but before I logged out for the day, I came across a shop that had these really beautiful glowing trees in their lobby. So that's what you have. I think this image has a sort of ironically surreal feel, what with the juxtaposition of the military outfit and lovely neon foliage.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Pink Bangs for Me

To the right is a little number from Bare@Rose, with shoes from "In Her Shoes." The shoes and hair are freebies and I've modified them slightly to suit me.
Below I'm wearing hair, boots and a top from Grumble and pants from Itti Bitti. It is kind of hard to see, but the tattoo I am wearing (that I made), the jeans and my ear rings are all patterned with stars, and the hair again has been modified with a couple of pink bangs. I rather liked the look. The shot below was taken at a place called The Looking Glass. You can find a link about it on Linden's website at
Friday, February 17, 2012
Looking back over the past three visits to SL and what I wore, it looks like I've been in a Ponytail mood. That said, here are the next three outfits of the day. I missed a day or two in there, I've been rather under the weather.
It seems I was feeling my yellows. I don't even remember where I got most of this oufit, but the jewelry, shorts and boots are from Grumble. The outfit said "Hooker" so I found this rather run down urban corner in an adult sim for the snapshot.
Here we are, I think looking rather fetching and a bit down home in a sweet but sexy button up dress from SF Design and shoes from Baby Monkey.
And last but not least, a itty bitty dress from Mimi's. I'm wearing some shoes that came with an outfit from [aDN], but I didn't take any shots that show them. I liked this look so much, I'm probably going to use another shot from this lovely adult sim as my new profile snapshot.
It seems I was feeling my yellows. I don't even remember where I got most of this oufit, but the jewelry, shorts and boots are from Grumble. The outfit said "Hooker" so I found this rather run down urban corner in an adult sim for the snapshot.
Here we are, I think looking rather fetching and a bit down home in a sweet but sexy button up dress from SF Design and shoes from Baby Monkey.
And last but not least, a itty bitty dress from Mimi's. I'm wearing some shoes that came with an outfit from [aDN], but I didn't take any shots that show them. I liked this look so much, I'm probably going to use another shot from this lovely adult sim as my new profile snapshot.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Is this a shaggy dog story?
While shopping last night I ran across someone wearing some nice black pumps. When I asked where they got them, they said they were freebies from an adult sim. I got the name of the sim and popped off to pick up a pair.
This is not my first adult sim, far from it, but on the naughty kinky scale of 1 is Vanilla and 10 is Dolcette, this was about an 8 or 9. It is called The Dog Lounge. I'll leave the details for you to figure out.
Why there is one pair of free black pumps near the TP point, surrounded by games and kink, I have no idea. As far as I could see it was the only freebie set out.
The funny part is, while I'm there two different guys chatted me up looking for a little virtual nookie. And I could, and actually did, in all honestly reply, "I'm just here for the shoes!"
This is not my first adult sim, far from it, but on the naughty kinky scale of 1 is Vanilla and 10 is Dolcette, this was about an 8 or 9. It is called The Dog Lounge. I'll leave the details for you to figure out.
Why there is one pair of free black pumps near the TP point, surrounded by games and kink, I have no idea. As far as I could see it was the only freebie set out.
The funny part is, while I'm there two different guys chatted me up looking for a little virtual nookie. And I could, and actually did, in all honestly reply, "I'm just here for the shoes!"
Snow Daze
Was feeling rather low energy yesterday evening, so just did some exploring and shopping. I wore a cute litte sweater dress from Grumble with earmuffs. Interestingly I spotted what looked like the same thing at ADN...
Anyway, as I mentioned in a previous post, I don't like the way most micro-mini dresses look. At least on me. So instead of the skirt prim you are supposed to wear, I wore an old freebie skirt. Looked OK. The boots are also very old, from Pixeldolls I think. The socks are B@R, and the hair is from a little shop called Anara.
Anyway, as I mentioned in a previous post, I don't like the way most micro-mini dresses look. At least on me. So instead of the skirt prim you are supposed to wear, I wore an old freebie skirt. Looked OK. The boots are also very old, from Pixeldolls I think. The socks are B@R, and the hair is from a little shop called Anara.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Changes Over Time
After three years in SL I think I've started to come to terms with the malleability of the environment. Second Life changes and evolves very quickly. A fact brought home by the recent influx of new viewers and the addition of Mesh technology. I found a page on Linden's website that lead to museums of second life, in second life. I visited some of those and found that SL doesn't seem to just change, it evolves. Add to that the recent changes I've made in my appearance and an idea occurred to me.
You have probably seen the video of the guy who took pictures of himself every morning for years. It was a long slow morph with occasional jarring changes. I thought it might be fun to do something akin to that here.
Every day, when I log into SL, I put together a look that suits my mood. Shoes, clothes, jewelry, hair, etc. My shin and shape stay the same the vast majority of the time. So my plan is to take a snapshot pretty much every day of what I've chosen to wear. Then post those snap shots here. At least until I get tired of doing it.
So that said. Let me lead off with a snapshot of me in a purple sweater and jeans standing on top of 'The Man." This structure is supposed to date all the way to the Alpha days of SL. Making it quite probably the oldest construct in SL.
I've been in a slacks mood lately. So the next day I wore a jacket from B@R, shirt and pants from ADN, along with shoes and jewelry from Grumble. Shot was taken at the Lost Eden Adult Romance sim.
The next day, I was in a more down home mood. So it's jeans, vest and shirt from SF Designs. A hat and jewelry from Baby Monkey and sneaks from Grumble. The shot was taken in a shallow pool at the bottom of a water fall at the Grand Canyon Sim. Kind of a neat place to visit, but doesn't have the vastness that the real canyon has. However, if you can't get to the real hole in the ground, or are just looking for a cool hangout with things to do like horse rides and the like, it's a worthy destination.
Should you care to visit them, you can find all of these places via in world search. Whatever you are wearing and wherever you may be, here's to hoping both your lives are excellent ones.
You have probably seen the video of the guy who took pictures of himself every morning for years. It was a long slow morph with occasional jarring changes. I thought it might be fun to do something akin to that here.
Every day, when I log into SL, I put together a look that suits my mood. Shoes, clothes, jewelry, hair, etc. My shin and shape stay the same the vast majority of the time. So my plan is to take a snapshot pretty much every day of what I've chosen to wear. Then post those snap shots here. At least until I get tired of doing it.
So that said. Let me lead off with a snapshot of me in a purple sweater and jeans standing on top of 'The Man." This structure is supposed to date all the way to the Alpha days of SL. Making it quite probably the oldest construct in SL.
I've been in a slacks mood lately. So the next day I wore a jacket from B@R, shirt and pants from ADN, along with shoes and jewelry from Grumble. Shot was taken at the Lost Eden Adult Romance sim.
The next day, I was in a more down home mood. So it's jeans, vest and shirt from SF Designs. A hat and jewelry from Baby Monkey and sneaks from Grumble. The shot was taken in a shallow pool at the bottom of a water fall at the Grand Canyon Sim. Kind of a neat place to visit, but doesn't have the vastness that the real canyon has. However, if you can't get to the real hole in the ground, or are just looking for a cool hangout with things to do like horse rides and the like, it's a worthy destination.
Should you care to visit them, you can find all of these places via in world search. Whatever you are wearing and wherever you may be, here's to hoping both your lives are excellent ones.
Old Old Me
Was working with some old graphics files today and found a profile shot form when I used to wear a Slink skin. Given the before and after snapshots of the recent change in skins, I thought it would be amusing to post this really old shot of me wearing that skin, my most favorite hair, some oversized glasses and cute little number from Bare@Rose.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Out with the old, in with the new.
I have worn the same skin pretty much constantly for around two years. I have matched all my prim bits to it, and due to its texture, once you had the right RGB values, it would match up with prim feet and the like in just about every light. Hugsie, the maker of many fine prim bits, among them a very popular certain bit, wears a skin from the same shop. Probably because she tends to show a lot of skin, both prim and layer, and she can match the two very well using that skin. Her skin, and my old skin, are from Laqroki.
I've tried out other skins, but matching prim and skin layer tones is tricky. Lighting tends to effect the colors of layers and prims differently, even if they have the same texture. One reason why I rarely wear the micro-minis that are so popular in SL. I hate it when the crotch of my dress is a different shade than the rest. Hoping Mesh will address that.
Anyway, I found a skin I like quite a bit. It's very like the old one, but looks sharper. I can even get pretty close matches with my various prim bits. Though under certain lighting conditions my prim feet look like I waded in mud. :(
Regardless, I think I'm going with the new look. I still look like "me, " but a less cartoony, more mature me." Which I dig. It is always fascinating to me to see how the shape and the skin layer effect appearance together. So, for your comparison here are the two skins, with the same shapes, lighting, etc.
The skin is from Nvious. If you are in the market for a reasonably priced good quality painted skin, you might want to check it out. I will probably go try out some of the new Laqroki demos again before I make my final choice. But I'm liking the new look so far.
Here's to hoping you are enjoying both your lives.
I've tried out other skins, but matching prim and skin layer tones is tricky. Lighting tends to effect the colors of layers and prims differently, even if they have the same texture. One reason why I rarely wear the micro-minis that are so popular in SL. I hate it when the crotch of my dress is a different shade than the rest. Hoping Mesh will address that.
Anyway, I found a skin I like quite a bit. It's very like the old one, but looks sharper. I can even get pretty close matches with my various prim bits. Though under certain lighting conditions my prim feet look like I waded in mud. :(
Regardless, I think I'm going with the new look. I still look like "me, " but a less cartoony, more mature me." Which I dig. It is always fascinating to me to see how the shape and the skin layer effect appearance together. So, for your comparison here are the two skins, with the same shapes, lighting, etc.
Old Me
New Me
The skin is from Nvious. If you are in the market for a reasonably priced good quality painted skin, you might want to check it out. I will probably go try out some of the new Laqroki demos again before I make my final choice. But I'm liking the new look so far.
Here's to hoping you are enjoying both your lives.
Domo Arigato at Jomo
I was shopping today, surprise! Bet you weren't expecting that I might do that?
Anyway, I spotted someone wearing some really cute, well made and maybe just a bit slutty jean shorts. I decided I wanted to have a pair too. So I did the old inspect and check the maker's profile trick. They were from a shop called Jomo. So popped in and was...Stunned.
Okay, some of the stuff here is nice and well priced. There is a whole wall of nifty freebies. None are clothes, but if you are wanting to fix up a nice oriental style skybox, very handy. But what was stunning was the build. I could, and probably will, just go to this shop to sit around and soak in the atmosphere. I feel like I've discovered a lost shinto temple or something. The build is simply fabulous!
Here are a couple of snapshots, but trust me, they don't quite do it justice.
Even if you don't shop, you should stop on by and check the place out.
Anyway, I spotted someone wearing some really cute, well made and maybe just a bit slutty jean shorts. I decided I wanted to have a pair too. So I did the old inspect and check the maker's profile trick. They were from a shop called Jomo. So popped in and was...Stunned.
Okay, some of the stuff here is nice and well priced. There is a whole wall of nifty freebies. None are clothes, but if you are wanting to fix up a nice oriental style skybox, very handy. But what was stunning was the build. I could, and probably will, just go to this shop to sit around and soak in the atmosphere. I feel like I've discovered a lost shinto temple or something. The build is simply fabulous!
Here are a couple of snapshots, but trust me, they don't quite do it justice.
Even if you don't shop, you should stop on by and check the place out.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Another Peek Over the Walls
Once again, I'm out shopping. I'm checking out some new shops, and I decide to explore the area around one the shops. Something catches my eye, looking like a spiral staircase to the stars, so I do the super hero thing and fly over to check it out. I then used up 45 minutes of my life exploring the most gorgeous art gallery I have yet seen in SL. And I will be going back to spend more time there. Pictures, sculpture (both static and animated) and things made with light and shapes that could only exist in SL.
Here's a shot of me (in a great little button up dress from SF Desgins) standing in the lobby of the Lundy Art Gallery, near some of the sculpture. The big hoopy thingie is spinning on multiple axis and is almost hypnotizing. I purposefully made sure that none of the pictures are visible in this shot, both to protect the artist's work and to encourage you to go check this place out and see them. They are awesome!
But the best thing about this gallery, is that the sum is better than the parts. Most galleries I have visited in SL, run from the utilitarian to the museum like. Some are quite nice builds. Like the Thai gallery I have in my picks. But this one though was put together with a really good sense of design. The entire build is like one big work of art you can walk through. You can find this place at Lundy Art Gallery, Turpentine (172, 42, 30).
Once again, I urge you all to get out and look around. Sometimes take a trip outside of clubs, shops, etc. Teleportation is great. I wish I could do it in RL. But you find some of the most unexpected and wonderful things by traveling from point A to point B by passing through the space in between.
May both your lives be awesome ones.
Here's a shot of me (in a great little button up dress from SF Desgins) standing in the lobby of the Lundy Art Gallery, near some of the sculpture. The big hoopy thingie is spinning on multiple axis and is almost hypnotizing. I purposefully made sure that none of the pictures are visible in this shot, both to protect the artist's work and to encourage you to go check this place out and see them. They are awesome!
But the best thing about this gallery, is that the sum is better than the parts. Most galleries I have visited in SL, run from the utilitarian to the museum like. Some are quite nice builds. Like the Thai gallery I have in my picks. But this one though was put together with a really good sense of design. The entire build is like one big work of art you can walk through. You can find this place at Lundy Art Gallery, Turpentine (172, 42, 30).
Once again, I urge you all to get out and look around. Sometimes take a trip outside of clubs, shops, etc. Teleportation is great. I wish I could do it in RL. But you find some of the most unexpected and wonderful things by traveling from point A to point B by passing through the space in between.
May both your lives be awesome ones.
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