Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Arh, we be pirates!

My friend Raychill Firecaster has a fun play sim called Pair A Dice.  I spend a lot of my "down" time in SL there sometimes building, hanging out, dancing or playing.  So to help out, I make things for Raychill and the others who come by.  The sim is TG friendly and pirate themed, and it occurred to me, that between full perm stuff I had come across, and things I'd made, I could put together a nice looking, completely free, avatar.

Everything.  Shape, skin, eyes, hair, boots, clothes, jewelry, naughty bits, AO, HUD, even a face light and tattoo.  I even included a Hugie v3.6 freebie set of boy bits.  I color matched it to the skin, and added some prim pubes I made.  Over all I'm pretty impressed how good it looks and how well it works, all for free.

So, if you are in SL and want to pick up this kit, swing on by Pair A Dice.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Our Lady Indeed!

I just found a sim that has what appears to be a full sized replica of Notre Dame in it.  In SL, buildings are built differently than in RL.  The lack of need for support, the negligible cost of building materials, lead to large spacious high cielinged rooms that make up some really big structures.  Even so when you run into a truly large, nay vast, "interior" space, it is nearly as awe inspiring as it is in RL.  With that as a thought, here is a small set of views of the grandness of this build.  I'm included for scale, and the place is definitely worth a visit.

That's view you have when you walk in. 

As you approach the altar, the views to the side, do not disappoint.

Even the gardens outside have some grand and gorgeous vistas to enjoy.


The brand name xcite in SL is both famous and infamous.  For those of you who are not SL residents and happen across this blog, Xcite makes naughty bits and sex toys.  And they are well known for, let's just say having a mind, and the inclination to type, that is independent of their owners.  Some folks like this, some folks don't.  Me...I land more on the don't side of things.  But none the less, I stop by their main store occasionally.  Not just to look at the naughty things, but to enjoy the always winter hunting lodge feel that seems to be the eternal state of this shop.  Being as it is deepest winter where I live, I thought I'd drop in and enjoy one of the best fire places in SL.  While there, I noticed a new statue out front.  So, even if you don't particularly like their products, you might want to stop by the shop and check out the atmosphere.

BTW, the outfit, jacket from Grumble, pants from ADN, boots from Duh and hat from Baby Monkey.  I can't remember where I got the halter, I've had it since not long after entering SL.  Hope you are enjoying your lives, both of them!

Friends all over, aint it grand!?

One of the kewlist things about SL is making friends who live all over the world.  They give you not only the gift of their companionship, but also, the gifts of their diverse insights and backgrounds.  I took a snapshot of me and a French friend named Raph the other day at Miko's nude beach.  And looking at it made me think how much I enjoy getting to know these far flung people.
I have friends in SL who live all over the US, but also in Scotland, France, Germany, even far Estonia!  And so many many more.  Being as I've never traveled outside the lower 48 of the US, that's pretty exciting to me.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mardi Gras

Made it onto SL for a couple of hours on Fat Tuesday.  So I had to drop into a Mardi Gras Party.  Below is the outift I wore.  It's mostly Belly Dance Goddess, shoes from Baby Monkey.  Snapshot is taken at Pair A Dice.

Mesh, the good, the bad, the sexy.

OK, I have repeatedly raved about how much I like some of the new mesh clothes.  I even like my new pink mesh hair.  (Pink being the free collor, otherwise I would have black.)  Why?  Here are some examples.

The pink dress and mesh jacket are from Slave Dressing Room.  The really high heels are from Belle Dejour's shop.  The other stuff is a mix of ADN, Grumble, JOMO and others.  The background for the snapshots is Momi-chan's.  Again, I urge folks to visit there and Pair A Dice.

However all is not joyous wonderfulness with mesh.  It has brought us baggy drawers.  The fashion statement of the late 20th and early 21st century that says, "I like to look like I just took a dump in onesies" has now made it into SL.  I am not happy to see it there, or for that matter in RL.